Join us on Saturday 29 October to celebrate the opening of Limits to Growth, the first survey exhibition of Melbourne-based artist Nicholas Mangan. Consisting of five major projects made between 2009-2016, Mangan’s installations combine video, photography, and sculpture to intersect stories from the Asia-Pacific region concerning ecology, economics, and sustainability. This includes a newly co-commissioned work by the Institute of Modern Art and Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA) that explores the circularity and relationship between ancient and modern currencies. Limits to Growth addresses contemporary capitalism’s relationship between resources and the environment; the physical and political; and cultural and economic values.
There is a preview for IMA Members and Supporters from 5pm featuring a conversation with Nicholas Mangan and Dr Amelia Barikin, Lecturer in Art History at University of Queensland.
From 6pm the exhibition will be open to the public, and we kick off our Annual Party, more info here.
Free, all welcome.