The queer outlaws of the San Francisco leather scene take center stage in the hottest history lesson you’ll have all year.
Join Brisbane Queer Film Festival, Sissy Screens, and the IMA for a twenty-fifth anniversary screening of Bloodsisters: Leather, Dykes, and Sadomasochism (dir. Michelle Handelman, 1995). Eight self-described leather dykes tell their stories about participating in a subculture cast off by the larger lesbian community. From pushy bottoms to macho femmes, Bloodsisters is an A to Z guide to the San Francisco leatherdyke scene in the mid-1990s, shattering assumptions about gender and lesbian sexuality. Michelle Handelman’s film doesn’t describe the bounds of permissible fantasy in the women’s leather community. Rather, it broadens the discussion about private expressions of eroticism and their political implications.
Unclassified 18+. This film contains sexual content, nudity, coarse language, adult themes, and discussions about consent.
'Bloodsisters: Leather, Dykes, and Sadomasochism' 1995.