Other. Otherness. The other. Words that are used so often that they seem to no longer really hold meaning. And yet we connect with them. Disconnect with them. I am working to better understand these terms, why I have always identified with them, how I engage with them while still remaining aware of my positions of privilege, and whether, while they are so often understood as negative, can they and are they embraced as a positive strategy for change? This is an ongoing project and has been held in Brisbane, Melbourne, and Los Angeles.
—Courtney Coombs
Join artist Courtney Coombs at IMA Belltower, for the tenth edition of Conversing about the Other, an ongoing series that invites discussion about the terms other, otherness, and the other. Coombs will discuss how these terms informed their current IMA Belltower exhibition Field of Vision.
Courtney Coombs has exhibited throughout Australia and internationally. Solo exhibitions include Sometimes It’s the Little Things, Boxcopy, Meanjin/Brisbane (2019); Drifting, Casa Lu, Mexico (2018); Building Bridges, Wreckers Artspace, Brisbane (2018); Looking Out, Metro Arts, Meanjin/Brisbane (2016); Urban Strolling, Cut Thumb ARI, Meanjin/Brisbane (2016); and It’s Complicated, Boxcopy, Meanjin/Brisbane (2014).
Courtney Coombs 'Field of Vision' 2019.