Maluw Adhil Urngu Padanu Mamuy Moesik (Legends from the deep sitting peacefully on the waters)
Exhibition Opening
27 January 2023
Please join us for the opening of Maluw Adhil Urngu Padanu Mamuy Moesik (Legends from the deep sitting peacefully on the waters) – Selected works from the 23rd Biennale of Sydney: rīvus. Anchored by a new commission from the Torres Strait 8, this exhibition explores how our connections to the natural world could prioritise care for Country and pursue justice in an epoch of rising temperatures and seas.
To celebrate the Torres Strait 8’s hybrid art-as-protest piece created as part of the Our Islands Our Home campaign, there will be storytelling by Yessie Mosby and Danny Billy, a performance by Boigu Island dance troupe Kutaw Zoeru, and tunes spun by DJ RedBelly throughout the evening.
Participants in the exhibition include Zheng Bo, Casino Wake Up Time, Jessie French, Clare Milledge, Marjetica Potrč with Ray Woods, Duke Riley, the Torres Strait 8, and Hanna Tuulikki.
COVID-19 Advice
The IMA strongly encourages mask-wearing onsite in the galleries and for events to keep our community safe. If you are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or are feeling unwell, please stay home.
We are committed to making the IMA accessible to people of all abilities, their families, and carers, as well as visitors of different ages and different backgrounds.
The gallery entrance is on the ground floor of the Judith Wright Arts Centre, on Berwick Street. There is wheelchair access and an accessible toilet with baby changing facilities also located on the ground floor, and we welcome guide and support dogs.
To find out more, contact us at, call (07) 3252 5750, or ask our friendly staff on-site. Read our access information for visitors here.
Image: Yessie Mosby, 'Maluw Adhil Urngu Padanu Mamuy Moesik (Legends from the deep, sitting peacefully upon the waters)' (detail), 2022; Torres Strait 8, 'Poster wall' (detail), 2022. Posters by Mooki Pen, Dylan Mooney, Guy Ritani, BlakSeed, Waniki Maluwapi, and Jaelyn Biumaiwai. Installation view, 23rd Biennale of Sydney: rīvus, 2022, Pier 2/3 Walsh Bay Arts Precinct. Photo: Document Photography.