Join us to launch Frontier Imaginaries across two exhibitions: No Longer at Ease at the IMA and The Life of Lines at QUT Art Museum. The event will commence at QUT Art Museum at 3.30pm, with opening remarks by Laura McLeod, Director Visual Arts, Australia Council for the Arts, and continue at the IMA from 6pm. Frontier Imaginaries is curated by IMA Curatorial Fellow Vivian Ziherl as a co-commission of Institute of Modern Art and QUT Art Museum. It presents work by Megan Cope, Alice Creischer, DAAR, Juan Davila, Demian DinéYahzi’, Bonita Ely, Ho Rui An, Gordon Hookey, Tshibumba Kanda Matulu, Karrabing Film Collective, Helmut Newton, Tom Nicholson, Rachel O’Reilly (with Valle Medina and Benjamin Reynolds, and Rodrigo Hernandez), Elizabeth A. Povinelli, Ryan Presley, Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Virtual Songlines, and Sawangwongse Yawnghwe, and featured exhibition design by Kevin O’Brien and Claire Humpreys, and archival materials from John Oxley Library, North Stradbroke Island Historical Museum, and Shell Film Australia.
Installation view, 'Frontier Imaginaries', 2016. Photography: Carl Warner. In view: Demian DinéYahzi’ & R.I.S.E.: Radical Indigenous Survivance & Empowerment, 'No Wave Feminism', 2014.