Mono 51 drifts into surround-sound terrain with spatial performances by two Australia sound artists of different generations.
Born in the USA, Warren Burt is one of Australia’s unsung sonic heroes. Since arriving here in 1975, he has been responsible for diverse works, operating between the markers of experimental music, minimalism, electronics, microtonality, and electro-acoustics. His sonic curiosity has resulted in five decades of music making. For Mono 51, he presents a new quadraphonic audiovisual work.
Amby Downs is the pseudonym of Tahlia Palmer. Born in Boorloo/Perth and based in Naarm/Melbourne, she is descended from a Yuwaalaraay paternal line, survivors of dispossession and forced assimilation, and a Dutch maternal line, survivors of World War 2. Working in a variety of mediums to explore history, identity, and perception, she confronts the conditions that create and perpetuate intergenerational trauma and finds pathways for healing. For Mono 51, she will present a work expanding on the sound worlds captured on her acclaimed album Ngunmal.
Warren Burt