Art Teachers Day
9 September 2015
The IMA is pleased to announce our annual Art Teachers Day, which will this year take place on Saturday the 10th October from 1pm – 6pm.
The IMA’s Art Teachers Day is an annual professional development event for Queensland Art Teachers. The event is an immersive program, which aims to engage participants with peers, educators, curators, and artists working today.
The program will begin with a welcome and contextualising overview of our current exhibitions by IMA’s Operations Manager Madeleine King. The day will then continue with the four workshops led by practicing artists addressing the following themes:
- Making 2D into 3D: Fabric-based, interdisciplinary workshop.
- Performance Art and collaboration workshop.
- DIY Wallpaper workshop.
- Careers in Contemporary Art Panel Discussion and Q&A.
The day will finish with drinks provided as a chance to network with peers.
A full Art Teachers Day program will be realised soon, in the meantime please do register your interest with Public Programs and Publications Officer: Tess Maunder, via
Please do note the registration cost of Art Teacher’s Day is $45, registration and payment forms will be sent you those who register via the above details.