New Opportunity: Program Assistant (Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander)
Fostering the next generation of artsworkers
13 September 2021
The IMA is excited to announce a new initiative that will foster the next generation of artsworkers.
The IMA Program Assistant, a newly established role, will support three early career Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander artsworkers to gain experience within the institution.
Each year between 2021 and 2024, one individual will be employed on a part-time contract, during which they will work closely with the IMA team across a broad range of activities, including artistic programs, development, and operations. Throughout their employment the Program Assistant will gain knowledge and experience across all aspects of gallery and institutional management.
This initiative is generously supported by Sullivan+Strumpf, Sydney.
Applications for the first Program Assistant role are open now. We are looking for a candidate who is passionate about contemporary visual arts and the Australian cultural sector. The ideal candidate will be in the early stages of their career and be looking to gain insight into all aspects of cultural institution management.
The role is 0.4 FTE, 15 hours per week, 10-months (43 weeks), non-renewable, $55,000 per annum, pro rata ($22,000) + 9.5% superannuation. Applications must consist of a cover letter (two-page maximum) addressing Selection Criteria outlined in the position description, a CV, and the names and contact details of two professional referees emailed as a single Word document or PDF with your name and the position title as the document’s name.
Applications should be sent to by Sunday 17 October 2021. Contact for more information.
Photo: Markus Ravik