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An Atlas of Agendas

An Atlas of Agendas is a political, social and economic atlas: informing the public about socio-political power structures and activating opportunities for the self and the commons.

The French research and design group Bureau d´Études has been producing maps of contemporary political, social and economic systems that allow people to inform, reposition and empower themselves. Revealing what normally remains invisible, often in the shape of large-sized banners, and contextualising apparently separate elements within new frameworks, these visualisations of interests and relations re-articulate the dominant symbolic order and actualise existing structures that otherwise remain concealed and unknown. This large-size hardcover book, panoramic in scope and theoretically both profound and accessible, is THE atlas for an emancipatory new citizenship that utilises the opportunities of info-graphics from the local to the global and back again.

270 pages, 30 x 23 cm, hardcover, Set Margins (Eindhoven).


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