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Current Obsession- Issue 8 – Chapter II – Critical Multiplicity

This publication comes as a result of an experimental content activation – a one-day workshop by Pravu Mazumdar with the participation of Dang-Vu Dang, EMIRHAKIN, Elizaveta Feddermesser, Benedikt Fischer, Nina Glockner, Dae Uk Kim, Lisa Plaut, Isabel Wang Pontoppoidan and Sanne Vaassen.

Welcome to Critical Multiplicity! This game is a method of multiplying objects (words are also objects) by multiplying perspectives. The game asks a question: how to multiply an object?

How can snapshots shifts in perspective on an object, while it finds itself in a flux (multiplicity) of interpretations, connections, assumptions- depending on where we stand in hsitorical time and geographical space. By following the game’s steps: adding other players’ perspectives to the narrative about an object or a material, or shifting between media – we can experience the multiplication of a single object.


With this issue, Current Obsession introduces an experimental publishing model, with the magazine being released chapter by chapter throughout the year, instead of all at once. Each chapter comes a result of an in-real-life activation, in the case of this issue – an evening of performances and conversations, a workshop, a studio visits and panel discussion, and a museum archive visit. The final content is, therefore, not defined in advanced, but rather, created together with our public. We set out with a premise, an idea, and we ask others to join us in conversation, shaping the outcome together.


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