Pseudo Press – Making Books

Making Books: a personal manifesto is a short essay theorizing on the processes and motivations behind bookmaking.

It was originally published for the 2021 Hopscotch Small Publishers fair. Written, designed and bound by Lauria Joan.

5-hole pamphlet binding, riso printed in Purple and Flat Gold.

Pseudo|books are rectangular objects made of paper and bookcloth. They are tricky things; deceptively booklike.
But pseudo|books are often empty (stationery), or— oh wait? hmm this looks like a regular book but it has no real plot and seems to be highly self-referential or completely obscure (editions).
What did you expect? It’s a pseudo press.


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Making Books: a personal manifesto is a short essay theorizing on the processes and motivations behind bookmaking.

It was originally published for the 2021 Hopscotch Small Publishers fair. Written, designed and bound by Lauria Joan.

5-hole pamphlet binding, riso printed in Purple and Flat Gold.

Pseudo|books are rectangular objects made of paper and bookcloth. They are tricky things; deceptively booklike.
But pseudo|books are often empty (stationery), or— oh wait? hmm this looks like a regular book but it has no real plot and seems to be highly self-referential or completely obscure (editions).
What did you expect? It’s a pseudo press.


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