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Tacita Dean: FILM

This full colour documentation accompanying ACCA’s 2013 exhibition of acclaimed international artist, Tacita Dean’s masterwork, FILM, includes an introduction by Juliana Engberg. It also contains new writing by Gaby Hartel, as well as Jeffrey Eugenides, Jean-Luc Goddard, Paul Pfeiffer, Keanu Reeves, and Neil Young and essays by Tacita Dean.

Full colour publication, 48 pages

The first showing since its highly acclaimed debut as the Tate Turbine Hall Commission in 2012, Tacita Dean’s FILM was an epic, episodic homage to the analogue processes of celluloid cinema.  Unexpectedly turning the presentation of film into a vertical reel format, this awesomely scaled work reinvented and rescued the techniques of hand-made special effects and montage to reveal the artistry in film-making. Dean brought our attention to the beautiful, auratic qualities and historical use of light through film, and highlighted the special effects made possible by hand tinting, manual editing, and scene-making. ACCA’s main gallery space provided the ideal proportions and setting for this once in a life-time film experience of a grand, yet detailed, distillation of film and its aesthetic qualities.

Tacita Dean FILM was part of GREAT Arts 13, presented by the British Council.

Curator: Juliana Engberg

35mm colour and black & white portrait format anamorphic film with hand-tinted sequences, mute, continuous loop, 11 minutes.

Tacita Dean FILM is part of GREAT Arts 13, presented by the British Council.

FILM is presented by the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art & Melbourne Festival.


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